- Comunicat de presa la finalizarea proiectului „Entrepreneurial Ideas” Asociatia “Initiative Sociale” impreuna cu partenerii transnationali: Hellenic Youth Participation (Grecia), Scambieuropei (Italia), Europejska Fundacja Edukacyjno-Sportowa (Polonia), Asociacion DESES-3 (Spania) si European Youth Bank (Turcia) anunta finalizarea proiectului „Entrepreneurial Ideas”; ...
- Enterprising youth has visited Mrągowo Young people from five different countries gained the knowledge and skills needed to start their own business, to write a great business plan or an unrivaled CV. All within the ...
- Lansarea platforma online MarketPlace COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ privind lansarea platformei online MarketPlace POSDRU/168/6.1/S/144367
Apeluri de participare
- Intermittent Return. Youth Exchange. Iscar. Spain Name of the project: Intermittent Return Type: Youth Exchange Place: Iscar (Spain) Period: 11-18 of March 2024 Topic: Addressing rural depopulation in Europe, empowering youth for sustainable solutions Participants: 3 young people aged 18-30 + ...
- Looking for participants – Youth exchange – InnoVenture: You(th) in Business – Predeal, Romania Youth Exchange “InnoVenture: You(th) in Business”, Romania Ready to supercharge your entrepreneurial spirit? Are you interested in entrepreneurship and building a brighter European future? “Inițiative Sociale” Association has prepared the perfect project ...
- Looking for participants – Youth exchange – My Future Job! – Costinesti, Romania Pregateste-te! Vrei să fii pregătit pentru viitorul tău? Fii cu un pas înainte venind la acest schimb de tineri multicultural, desfășurat în cadrul Programului Erasmus+, în România, Costinești, județul Constanța, în perioada ...