
Finalizarea proiectului „My future job”

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Finalizarea proiectului „My future job”

Asociatia INITIATIVE SOCIALE, in calitate de organizatie gazda, impreuna cu partenerii transnationali: HELLENIC YOUTH PARTICIPATION (Grecia), SCAMBIEUROPEI (Italia), D.G.T. POLSKA (Polonia), ASOCIACION DESES 3 (Spania) si SOF DAGI GENCLIK VE SPOR KULUBU DERNEGI (Turcia) anunta finalizarea cu succes a proiectului “My future job”, in data de 21 august 2023.

            Acest proiect a fost finantat de catre Uniunea Europeana prin programul Erasmus+, Actiunea KA152-YOU.

Am abordat acest proiect avand in vedere scopul general al programului E+ si speram ca obiectivele specifice ale proiectului au condus la cresterea personala si profesionala a participantilor.

In plus, proiectul „My Future Job” s-a ghidat atat dupa obiectivul specific al programului Erasmus+ (participarea activa a tinerilor), cat si dupa prioritatile Erasmus+ (incluziune si diversitate) prin dialog intercultural, incluziune sociala si solidaritate si a promovat participarea activa a tinerilor pe piata muncii atat la nivel national cat si european.

Mai mult, prin coordonarea acestui schimb de tineri in scopul invatarii prin educatie non-formala, am reusit sa atingem obiectivul actiunii “Schimburi de Tineri” si anume, dobandirea de competente si informatii necesare viitorului lor profesional. Pe langa obiectivele specifice mentionate mai sus, proiectul si-a propus sa atinga urmatoarele obiective de invatare:

- dobandirea de atitudini, abilitati si cunostinte despre cum se redacteaza un CV adecvat si o scrisoare de intentie, cum se prezinta la un interviu, cum se comunica la un interviu, cum se cauta  un loc de munca adecvat,

- dobandirea de abilitati de comunicare, relatie si lucru in echipa;

- dobandirea unei atitudini tolerante si orientate catre solutii.

Durata proiectului: 22 ianuarie 2023 – 21 august 2023

Durata schimbului de tineret: 04 mai 2023 – 14 mai 2023 (inclusive zilele de calatorie)

Printre activitatile principale ale acestui proiect putem sublinia organizarea unui schimb de tineri ce a implicat parteneri din 6 tari (Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Romania, Spania si  Turcia), care a presupus ca acestia au lucrat si au locuit impreuna in cadrul unui grup international, intre 04 mai 2023 – 14 mai 2023 (inclusive zilele de calatorie) in localitatea Costinesti, judetul Constanta, Romania.

Beneficiarii directi ai schimbului de tinreret au fost 42 de participanti (36 tineri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18-30 ani si 6 lideri de grup fara limita de varsta), din cele 6 tari partenere.

            Activitatile din cadrul mobilitatii au fost desfasurate prin metode de educatie non-formala, care au avut menirea sa ii stimuleze pe participanti sa fie activi pe piata muncii. Prin activitati precum teatru, joc de rol, simulare, comunicare verbala si non-verbala, tinerii au dobandit competente digitale, multilingvistice , personale, culturale, sociale sau civice.

Totodata, pe toata durata acestui proiect, a fost facilitat dialogul si schimbul intercultural, pentru a se depasi posibilele bariere culturale. De asemenea, prin participarea activa a fost creat un liant intercultural care a avut un impact pozitiv asupra intregului proiect.

            Toate aceste competente cheie au fost validate prin certficatul Youthpass, pe care participantii l-au primit dupa finalizarea mobilitatii.

            Printre rezultatele obtinute prin implementarea proiectului putem sublinia:

Finantat de Uniunea Europeana. Punctele de vedere si opiniile exprimate apartin, insa, exclusiv autorului (autorilor) si nu reflecta neaparat punctele de vedere si opiniile Uniunii Europene sau ale Agentiei Executive Europene pentru Educatie si Cultura (EACEA). Nici Uniunea Europeana si nici EACEA nu pot fi considerate raspunzatoare pentru acestea.

Copia fișierului MFJ_day 4_GG (31)h


Completion of the „My future  job” project

The INITIATIVE SOCIALE Association, as host organization, together with the transnational partners: HELLENIC YOUTH PARTICIPATION (Greece), SCAMBIEUROPEI (Italy), D.G.T. POLSKA (Poland), ASOCIACION DESES 3 (Spain) and SOF DAGI GENCLIK VE SPOR KULUBU DERNEGI (Turkiye) announce the successful completion of the „My future job” project, on August 21, 2023.

This project was financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program, Action KA152-YOU.

We approached this project considering the general goal of the E+ program and we hope that the specific objectives of the project led to the personal and professional growth of the participants.

In addition, the „My Future Job” project was guided both by the specific objective of the Erasmus+ program (active participation of young people) and by Erasmus+ priorities (inclusion and diversity) through intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity and promoted the active participation of young people on the labor market both at national and European level.

Moreover, by coordinating this youth exchange for the purpose of learning through non-formal education, we managed to achieve the objective of the „Youth Exchange” action, namely, the acquisition of skills and information necessary for their professional future. In addition to the specific objectives mentioned above, the project aimed to achieve the following learning objectives:

- acquiring attitudes, skills and knowledge about how to write a proper CV and a cover letter, how to present yourself at an interview, how to communicate at an interview, how to look for a suitable job,

- acquiring communication, relationship and teamwork skills;

- acquiring a tolerant and solution-oriented attitude.

Project duration: January 22, 2023 – August 21, 2023

Duration of the youth exchange: 04 May 2023 – 14 May 2023 (including travel days)

Among the main activities of this project, we can highlight an youth exchange that involved partners from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey), which assumed that they worked and lived together in an international group , between May 4, 2023 – May 14, 2023 (including travel days) in the town of Costinesti, Constanta county, Romania.

The direct beneficiaries of the youth exchange were 42 participants (36 young people aged between 18-30 and 6 group leaders without age limit), from the 6 partner countries.

The mobility activities were carried out through non-formal education methods, which were meant to stimulate the participants to be active on the labor market. Through activities such as theater, role play, simulation, verbal and non-verbal communication, young people have acquired digital, multilingual, personal, cultural, social or civic skills.

At the same time, throughout the duration of this project, intercultural dialogue and exchange was facilitated, in order to overcome possible cultural barriers. Also, through active participation, an intercultural bond was created that had a positive impact on the entire project.

All these key competences were validated by the Youthpass certificate, which the participants received after completing the mobility.

Among the results obtained through the implementation of the project, we can underline:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

EN Co-funded by the EU_PANTONE

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