- COMUNICAT – Finalizarea activitatilor proiectului: „ Start-up Machine” Asociatia “Initiative Sociale” impreuna cu partenerii transnationali: The Starry Start of Talents Foundation (Bulgaria), Scambieuropei (Italia), Europejska Fundacja Edukacyjno Sportowa (Polonia), Asociacion DESES3 (Spania) si European Youth Bank (Turcia) anunta ...
- The vision of the strange: Feed-back! Madalina Tifrea: „During the project I have learned a lot of new things about the LGBT community and I had the opportunity to get to know the situation of gender ...
- Testimonialele participantilor in urma mobilitatii: „Extreme Realities” Emilian Stefan: „As an Erasmus+/Youth Exchange rookie, I went to Extreme Realities with hopes but also with uncertainties. Those uncertainties quickly disappeared as I started to meet the people involved in the project. I ...
Apeluri de participare
- Looking for participants – Youth exchange – Young Entrepreneurs! – Costinesti, Romania Because unforgettable experiences don’t come from your comfort zone, we invite you to step outside it! We are challenging you to join us in the latest youth exchange and try a ...
- Apel de participare. Mobilitati de tineret in Spania… Selectie participanti Asociatia Initiative Sociale va invita sa participati la urmatorele mobilitati: YOUTH EXCHANGE in SPANIA in perioada 12 – 20.11.2022 Proiectul „European Babel’s Tower” se desfasoara sub egida Programului „Erasmus +” in Iscar, Spania. Perioada: 12.11 – 20.11.2022 Tari participante: Spania, Portugalia, ...
- Looking for participants – Youth exchange – Nice to meet you! – Costinesti, Romania We are challenging you to join us in the latest youth exchange and try a lot of new things: from non-formal education methods to words in other languages, types of ...