- Disseminating the ”The truth of mask” youth exchange In 2020, fake news has increased by 365%. There are already several investigations that warn of the dangers of false news according to the latest study by the Complutense University ...
- Cautam colegi! Esti o persoana dinamica, cu idei faine? Esti pasionat/a de calatorie? Vrei sa calatoresti pentru a te dezvolta si a cunoaste oameni si locuri noi? Vrei sa aduci un plus de valoare ...
- Testimoniale ale participantilor in „The Refugee’s road” YE – Spania Experienta din cadrul proiectului m-a ajutat sa imi largesc orizonturile legate de refugiati si imigranti, sa inteleg mai bine situatia la nivel global. Am participat la diferite activitati pentru a ...
Apeluri de participare
- Mobilitati de tineret in Spania si Turcia. Selectie participanti Asociatia Initiative Sociale va invita sa participati la urmatorele mobilitati: SEMINAR in TURCIA in perioada 13 – 21.08.2022 ULTIMUL LOC DISPONIBIL! Proiectul „Seminars for strong Contacts” se desfasoara sub egida Programului „Erasmus +” in Gaziantep, Turcia. Perioada: 13.08 – ...
- Call for participants! April 2022. Jobs Challenge Do you think that jobs should take the form of our passions? Do you think that it is very nice to feel in your element every day at job? Then we would ...
- Youth Exchange. Business Pioneers. Romania Looking for Spanish participants! Our NGO, Initiative Sociale, comes with an interesting and interactive new youth exchange, under ERASMUS+ framework: „Business Pioneers”. If you are between 18 and 30 years old and ...