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Cautam participanti ROMANI pentru un schimb de tineri la Vatra Dornei

Numele proiectului: NextGen: YouthPreneurs Vatra Dornei, Romania 14-24 noiembrie 2024 Topic: antreprenoriat in randul tinerilor Infopack: aici Formular selectie: aici Termen limita pentru inscriere: 20 octombrie 2024   * Mancare, cazare si transport asigurate de Uniunea Europeana (conform programului Erasmus+). ** Persoanele din

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The Learning Game. Training Course. Iscar (Spain). September 2024

Name of the project: The Learning Game Type: Training Course Place: Iscar (Spain) Period: 18-24 of September 2024 Topic: the youth workers will be involved not just in practical stuff like playing games also planning to involve them to self-assessment

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Looking for participants: Youth Exchange. InnoVenture: You(th) on the Labour Market. Predeal. Romania

Name of the project: InnoVenture: You(th) on the Labour Market Type of activity: Youth Exchange Where? Predeal, Romania When? 06-16 of June 2024 Topic: Youth employability Participants: 5 young people aged 18-30 + 1 leader no age limit Participating countries:

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Intermittent Return. Youth Exchange. Iscar. Spain

  Name of the project: Intermittent Return Type: Youth Exchange Place: Iscar (Spain) Period: 11-18 of March 2024 Topic: Addressing rural depopulation in Europe, empowering youth for sustainable solutions Participants: 3 young people aged 18-30 + 1 leader no age

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Looking for participants – Youth exchange – InnoVenture: You(th) in Business – Predeal, Romania

Youth Exchange “InnoVenture: You(th) in Business”, Romania Ready to supercharge your entrepreneurial spirit? Are you interested in entrepreneurship and building a brighter European future? “Inițiative Sociale” Association has prepared the perfect project for you! When? 09-19.11.2023 Where? Predeal, Romania What

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Looking for participants – Youth exchange – My Future Job! – Costinesti, Romania

Pregateste-te! Vrei să fii pregătit pentru viitorul tău? Fii cu un pas înainte venind la acest schimb de tineri multicultural, desfășurat în cadrul Programului Erasmus+, în România, Costinești, județul Constanța, în perioada 4 mai – 14 mai 2023. Proiectul „My

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Looking for participants – Youth exchange – Young Entrepreneurs! – Costinesti, Romania

Because unforgettable experiences don’t come from your comfort zone, we invite you to step outside it! We are challenging you to join us in the latest youth exchange and try a lot of new things: from non-formal education methods to

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Apel de participare. Mobilitati de tineret in Spania…

Selectie participanti Asociatia Initiative Sociale va invita sa participati la urmatorele mobilitati:   YOUTH EXCHANGE in SPANIA in perioada 12 – 20.11.2022 Proiectul „European Babel’s Tower” se desfasoara sub egida Programului „Erasmus +” in Iscar, Spania. Perioada:  12.11 – 20.11.2022 Tari participante:  Spania, Portugalia, Turcia, Romania, Franta, Italia

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Looking for participants – Youth exchange – Nice to meet you! – Costinesti, Romania

We are challenging you to join us in the latest youth exchange and try a lot of new things: from non-formal education methods to words in other languages, types of food and drinks; in addition, you have the opportunity to

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Mobilitati de tineret in Spania si Turcia.

Selectie participanti Asociatia Initiative Sociale va invita sa participati la urmatorele mobilitati: SEMINAR in TURCIA in perioada 13 – 21.08.2022 ULTIMUL LOC DISPONIBIL! Proiectul „Seminars for strong Contacts” se desfasoara sub egida Programului „Erasmus +” in Gaziantep, Turcia. Perioada:  13.08 – 21.08.2022 Tari participante:  Maroc, Italia, Tunisia,

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